Galaxy folding phones: Members’ hub

Client: Samsung

Platform: Web

Responsibilities: Content strategy, user journeys, wireframes

Purpose: To create a benefits hub for owners and potential owners of Samsung’s “Z” line of phones.

I partnered with Samsung’s US marketing team to build a premium hub where customers could explore, get support, and redeem exclusive benefits related to their Z line of folding phones. Our target audience was luxury life maximizers/expressers, and we would attract them by creating social buzz and driving traffic to this page. After careful consideration, we decided to name the program “Galaxy Z Premier” as a reflection of the benefits to owning a high end “Z” phone.

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First, I ideated on how to break the hub content into a navigation that would be easily digested by the user. With the help of my team, we decided to categorize the hub into Highlights, Benefits, Service, and FAQs.

• The Highlights page introduces the program and instructs the user on how they can join “the Z list.”

• The Benefits page houses a rotating collection of partner offers only available to those who own a registered Z device.

• The Service page explains the exclusive support that owners of a Z device can take advantage of.

• And the FAQs page is there to answer additional questions the user may have about the program.

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The slide below demonstrates how users would find this hub, from external sources and placements within

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